forensic accounting
Forensic Accounting encompasses a broad range of investigative techniques that are designed to provide interpretation and analysis of accounting and financial reporting for use in litigation and dispute resolution. There are several domains within Forensic Accounting, which can be categorized by principles of analycourtsis and the circumstances of the dispute. Our main areas of practice include Damage Quantification, Business Valuation, Financial Statement Analysis and the investigation of Public Accountants' Negligence.
Rosen & Associates Limited is frequently called upon to provide litigation support in addition to investigative and analytical services. The different forms of dispute resolution can vary anywhere from informal private negotiations to formal Court settings. We can be retained to provide expertise throughout the litigation process from preliminary case exploration to expert testimony in Court. Often clients are not aware of the extent of areas in which we can lend our expertise and professional insight, such as:
The Preliminary Investigation, including weighing the merits of a potential case, suggesting alternative paths of investigation and aiding in the drafting of pleadings.
The Discovery Stage, such as helping with interviews and interrogatories and consulting on the retention of other expert witnesses and investigators.
The Investigative Stage, including the drafting and finalization of experts' reports, responses to opposing experts' reports and commentaries.
The Formal Proceedings, including providing testimony in Court, aiding in the cross-examination of opposing witnesses and helping with final arguments and appeals.
Choose another practice area from below for more information:
Business Valuation • Financial Analysis • Damage Quantification • Public Accountants' Negligence